Cadd Training Institute in Calicut | Best Cadd Center Calicut

Auto CAD Training Center in Calicut

AutoCAD is a computer-aided design software that architects, engineers, and construction professionals rely on to draw and edit digital 2D and 3D designs more quickly and easily. The files can also be easily saved and stored in the cloud, so they be accessed anywhere at any time.

The program can be used to group or layer objects, keep objects in a database for future use, and manipulate properties of objects, such as size, shape, and location. AutoCAD helps many different types of designers to create diverse kinds of drawings and designs.

This course enables students to use the basic commands and tools necessary for professional 2D and 3D drawing, design and drafting using AutoCAD. We now have the opportunity to study this course in detail both online and in person at the institute.

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Auto CAD

Auto CAD Electrical

Revit MEP